Having logged into a new KB Meister account, the first task is to field a keyword system. This forms the hierarchical categories and subcategories under which knowledge will be listed. Such a keyword system is similar to the Dewey Decimal system used at libraries to catalog books and by accountants to set up charts of accounts. Internet surfers have seen it in the layout of the big web search directories like Google and Yahoo. In fact, KB Meister can be viewed as a tool to assemble the structure of your own, specialized Google or Yahoo. |
Having gathered the first cut of Intern Info's information per the previous slide, Paul Jones is ready to enter the keywords that will form these categories and subcategories. On his first, blank KB Meister screen, Paul clicks on Keywords from the main menu bar. Besides the help icon , the empty keywords list gives him one option, to click the sub-keyword arrow . That brings up the pop-up window where Paul types "Associations & Non-Profits". The tutorial will fill in a few more keywords related to the Intern Info project. Click on the Add Sub-Keywords slide to see how Paul continues to build KB Meister's structure. |